The birth of an innovative solution : it all started in a french public research lab in Toulouse, where the process using hydrochloric acid was set up. After an incubating period at Toulouse Tech Transfer (TTT) then at Neo-Eco, a pioneering company in the circular economy, VALAME was created in 2019 to host its development. VALAME’s team is mixing many expertises
covering chemical processes, asbestos removal works organisation and
asbestos regulation, industrial safety and setting-up of recycled products

Pierre-Emmanuel LEPERS is the managing director of the company, an entrepreneur and engineer from Centrale Paris with a ten years experience into infrastructure works and industry. VALAME also set-up a strategic comitee gathering many renown experts and contributing to corporate governance. They are listed below. VALAME is labelled by TEAM2 which is the french centre of excellence for circular economy

Strategic Committee

Opération réalisée avec le concours des Investissements d'Avenir de l’État confiés à l’ADEME

Our company recieved the support of ADEME since it won i-Nov vague 4
innovation challenge. VALAME also won 2019’s Techinnov prize by CCI Essone.
VALAME was also the winner of the innovation trophy at Paris’ Asbestos Fair
in 2019.